Young Professionals

Young Adult/Young Professional Series

Young Adults at Work: What They Want, What They Get and How to Keep Them.

This white paper describes results from over 10,000 young adults between the ages of 18 and 30 as well as survey results from over 700 managers who employ young adults. The purpose of the study was to compare young adult attitudes toward work and general life with managers’ perceptions of these young adults…more

How Central is Work to Young Adults? (2007)

What do Young Adults Want? (2007)

Today’s Young Adults: Surfing for the Right Job (2007)

Moving Up of Moving Out: Factors That Influence the Promoting or Firing of New College Hires (2007)

Parent Involvement in the College Recruiting Process: To What Extent? (2007)

Young Adults at Work: What They Want, What They Get, and How to Keep Them (2008)