Below is a chronological list of papers published in journals, including book chapters. Copies of these papers are likely not to be found in the CERI publication archives. Therefore, we suggest you download the article from the journal or book (if available online).
Abdifatah, Gardner and Edmondson (2022). Developmental Relationships Matter: Examining the joint role of supervisor and mentor status on intern outcomes. International Journal of Work-integrated Learning, Vol 23.
Maietta and Gardner (2022). U.S. Employer response to COVID-19: Actions taken and future expectations of virtual work integrated learning. International Journal of Work-integrated Learning, Vol 23.
Gardner AC, Maietta HN, Gardner PD, Perkins N. Postsecondary Adult Learner Motivation: An Analysis of Credentialing Patterns and Decision Making Within Higher Education Programs. Adult Learning. January 2021. DOI: 10.1177/1045159520988361
Alexander C. Gardner, Heather N. Maietta, Philip D. Gardner & Niki Perkins (2021) Online Postsecondary Adult Learners: An Analysis of Adult Learner Characteristics and Online Course Taking Preferences. American Journal of Distance Education, DOI: 10.1080/08923647.2021.1928434
Gardner, P and Maietta, H. H. (2020). Advancing talent development: Steps toward a T-model infused undergraduate education. Business Enterprise Press.
Gardner, P. & Gross, L. (2018) Establishing the foundation for unpacking international engagement (Study and internship abroad). In Berquist, B., Moore, K., & Milano, J. (eds) International internships: Mission, methods, & models: a collection of papers from Global Internship Conference. Boston: Academic Internship Council.
Gardner, P., & Maietta, H. (2018). An initial examination of the link between internship/co-op participation and leader talent recruitment. In Refereed Proceedings of the 3 rd International Research Symposium on Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education, Stuttgart, Germany (p. 49).
Gardner, P. (2017). Flourishing in the face of constant disruption: Cultivating the T-professional or adaptive innovator through WIL. In Work-integrated learning in the 21st century. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Damari, R.R., Rivers, W.P., Brecht, E.D., Gardner, P. Pulupa, C. & Robinson, J. The demand for multilingual human capital in the U.S. labor market. Foreign Language Annuls 50 (1) 13-37
Gardner, P., & Bartkus, K. R. (2014). What's in a Name? A Reference Guide to Work-Education Experiences. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 15(1), 37-54.
Mason, S., Van Dyke, J., Zhu, P., Kaylor, D., & Gardner, P. (2013). Boise City-Nampa MSA Employment and Industry Analysis. Collegiate Employment/Workforce Readiness Report: Part 1.
Bartkus, K. R., Nemelka, B., Nemelka, M., & Gardner, P. (2012). Clarifying the meaning of extracurricular activity: A literature review of definitions. American Journal of Business Education (AJBE), 5(6), 693-704
Hurst, J. L., Good, L. K., & Gardner, P. (2012). Conversion intentions of interns: what are the motivating factors?. Education+ Training.
Gardner, P., & Perry, A. L. (2012). Transitioning into the 21st century workplace: Will seniors be ready. The senior year: Culminating experiences and transitions, 135-154.
Gardner, P. D., & Perry, A. (2011). The role of cooperative and work-integrated education in graduate transition into the workplace. In R. K. Coll & K. E. Zegwaard (Eds.), International handbook for cooperative and work-integrated education: International Using cooperative education and work-integrated education to provide career clarification perspectives of theory, research and practice (pp. 313-320). Lowell, MA: World Association for Cooperative Education.
Gardner, P., Steglitz, I. & Gross, L. 2009. Translating study abroad experiences for workplace competencies. Peer Review. AAC&U.
Gardner, P.D. “From Drift to Engagement: Finding Purpose and Making Career Connections in the Sophomore Year.” Schiener, L.A. and Pattengale, J. Visible Solutions for Invisible Students Helping Sophomores Succeed. (Monograph No. 31). Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina, National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition.
Jackson, L.A., Ervin, K.S., Gardner, P.D. and Schmitt, W. The Social Digital Divide: Motivational, Affective and Cognitive Correlates to Internet Use. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Gardner, P.D. and G. Motschenbacher. Early Work Outcomes of Co-op and Non-Coop Engineers. Journal of Cooperative Education. Vol. 33(1): 6-24.
Sciarini, M., R.H. Woods, E. Boger, P. Gardner, and G.M. Harris. College Freshmen Perceptions of Hospitality Careers: Gender and Ethnic Interest. Hospitality Research Journal. Vol. 9(3): 18-28.
Gardner, P.D. Are seniors ready to work? in J. Gardner (ed) The Senior Transition. Sage Publications (available October 1997).
Gardner, P.D. and W.-Y. Liu. Prepared to Perform? Employers Rate Work Force Readiness of New Grads. Journal of Career Planning & Employment. Vol. LVII(3):32-35,52-56.
Gardner, P.D. It's 2010: Do You Know Who and Where Your Students Are? The Journal of Cooperative Education. Vol. XXXII(2):86-103.
Gardner, P.D. Transitions: Understanding economic and workplace changes at the end of the century. Journal of Co-operative Education. Vol. XXXI(2-3):41-57.
Gardner, P.D. Demographic and attitudinal trends: The increasing diversity of today's and tomorrow's learner. Journal of Co-operative Education. VOL. XXXI(2-3):58-82.
Major, D.A., S.W.J. Kozlowski, G.T. Chao, and P.D. Gardner. A longitudinal investigation of newcomer expectations, early socialization outcomes and the moderating effect of role development factors. Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 80(3):418-431.
Sciarini, M.P., R.H. Wood, and P.D. Gardner. A comparison of faculty, recruiter and student perceptions of important employment pre-screening characteristics. Hospitality and Tourism Educator. Vol. 7(1):21-24.
Chao, G.T., D.M. O'Leary-Kelly, S. Wolf, H.J. Klein, and P.D. Gardner. Organizational Socialization: Its content and consequences. Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 79(5):730-743.
Gardner, P.D. and V.K. Tyson. Diversity, work and education: A case for experiential learning during times of change. The Journal of Cooperative Education. Vol. XXIX(2):11-26.
Sciarini, M., P.D. Gardner, and R. Woods. Prescreening of hospitality school graduates: A study of hospitality recruiter decision strategies. Hospitality Research Journal. Forthcoming.
Major, D.A., S.W.J. Kozlowski, G.T. Chao, and P.D. Gardner. A longitudinal investigation of newcomer expectations, early socialization outcomes and the moderating effect of role development factors. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Jackson, L.A., P.D. Gardner, and L.A. Sullivan. Engineering persistence: Past, present and future factors and gender differences. Higher Education. Vol. 26:227-246.
Gardner, P.D. and S. Lambert. It's a hard, hard, hard, hard world. Journal of Career Planning and Employment. Winter Vol. LII(2):40-49.
Gardner, P.D. and S.W.J. Kozlowski. Learning the ropes! Co-ops do it faster. Journal of Cooperative Education. Spring Vol. XXVIII(3):30-41.
Chao, G.T., P.M. Walz, and P.D. Gardner. Formal and informal mentors: A comparison on mentoring functions and contrast with non-mentored counterparts. Personnel Psychology. Vol. 45:619-636.
Jackson, L.A., P.D. Gardner, and L.A. Sullivan. Explaining the gender differences in self-pay expectations: Comparison standards and perceptions of fair pay. Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 77(5):651-663.
Gardner, P.C., D.C. Nixon, and G. Motschenbacher. Ahead at the start: Starting salary outcomes of cooperative education graduates. Journal of Cooperative Education. Vol. XXVII(3):16-26.
Gardner, P.D. Research Note: Work as part of a student's typical day. Journal of Student Employment. Vol. 4(1):38-42.
Estry, D.W., P.D. Gardner, and D. Nixon. Factors affecting laboratory turnover and recruitment: The 1989 ASMT National Personnel Survey with emphasis on salary comparisons to 1991 data. Clinical Laboratory Science. Vol. 5(2):96-203.
Gardner, P.D. and D.C. Nixon. The nature of the typical recruiter revisited. Journal of Career Planning and Employment. Vol. LI(4):46-50.
Gardner, P.D., S.W.J. Kozlowski, and B.M. Hults. Will the real prescreening criteria please stand up? Journal of Career Planning and Employment. Vol. LI(2):57-60.
Gardner, P.D. and D.W. Estry. Changing job responsibilities in clinical laboratory science: A report on the 1989 ASMT National Personnel Study. Clinical Laboratory Science. Vol. 3(6):382-388.
Estry, D. and P. Gardner. Personnel status trends in clinical laboratory science: A report on the 1989 ASMT National Personnel Survey. Clinical Laboratory Science. Vol 3(4):258-267.
Estry, D. and P. Gardner. Personnel trends in the clinical laboratory sciences: A report on the 1989 ASMT National Clinical Laboratory Science Personnel Survey. In: Creating the Mosaic for a National Allied Health Data System. American Society of Allied Health Professions. Forum on Allied Health Data. Washington, D.C.